According to Statista, 94% of internet users play video games using various devices – smartphones, tablets, desktops, laptops, and game consoles. Gamification helps for-profit and non-profit organizations influence and motivate the behavior of target audiences using video game elements. However, organizations adopt and implement gamification in various forms.

In an educational environment, gamification improves learning outcomes by increasing student participation and fostering student engagement. Educational institutions promote learner engagement and enhance learning experiences by combining eLearning and gamification. Gamification techniques help them make learning experiences more entertaining and less intimidating.

We can understand the impact by discussing two key questions – What are the major benefits of eLearning Gamification? What are the popular forms of gamification in eLearning?

7 Remarkable Benefits of eLearning Gamification

Increases Attention Span

New-generation learners progress through online courses using smartphones or tablets. Several studies have highlighted how mobile devices weaken students’ attention span. eLearning gamification catches learners’ attention using video game features. These features prevent learners from indulging in distractions like social media, emails, text messages, and chats. The increased attention span makes learners engage with eLearning content and complete online courses.

Mitigates Negative Emotions

While progressing through online courses, many learners experience negative emotions like fear and anxiety. These negative emotions impact learners’ performance and make them abandon online courses. eLearning gamification mitigates these negative emotions by making the learning experience more fun and less intimidating. The video game elements make learners engage with the eLearning content without worrying about not meeting expectations and deadlines.

Drives Learner Engagement

In a virtual learning environment, students usually do not engage with eLearning content actively. Also, they lack opportunities to connect and collaborate with other online learners. Gamification tactics keep them engaged by making the learning process entertaining and enjoyable. The video game elements motivate learners to acquire and retain knowledge by fostering a deeper engagement with eLearning content.

Boosts Learning Experiences

Poor learning experience is one of the key reasons why a large percentage of learners do not complete online courses. Gamification techniques improve students’ online learning experiences by fostering engagement and motivation. Video game elements optimize learning experiences by combining education and entertainment. The superior learning experiences promote knowledge retention and application in a virtual learning environment.

Fosters Healthy Competition

Specific gamification tactics in eLearning motivate learners by fostering healthy competition. Teachers and instructors can make learners compete with each other in a virtual learning environment using gamification techniques like badges, scorecards, and leaderboards. These techniques motivate and encourage students to compete with other learners to earn badges, increase scores, and secure leaderboard positions.

Provides Instant Feedback

While progressing through online courses, learners find it challenging to measure their current performance and detect areas of improvement. Gamification helps students measure their performance and progress visually. For instance, a student can measure his performance accurately based on scores and leaderboard positioning. Also, gamified assessments help him measure his performance without sharing the information with others.

Fosters Knowledge Retention

While implementing eLearning, decision-makers focus extensively on promoting knowledge retention and application. Gamification promotes knowledge retention and application in several ways. Gamification tactics foster immersive learning by making learners acquire and apply knowledge in a virtual environment that replicates real-world scenarios and situations. Hence, it becomes easier for learners to retain knowledge and apply skills in real time.

7 Popular Types of Gamification in eLearning


Storytelling is an important aspect of eLearning gamification. While developing video games, developers foster emotional relationships with players using various storytelling techniques. While strategizing eLearning, decision-makers keep learners immersed using storytelling techniques in different ways – using multimedia content, creating narratives, including interaction options, and solving conflicts.

Virtual Coins/Points

Points or virtual coins are the simplest form of eLearning gamification. The tactic engages and motivates learners by creating opportunities to earn points or virtual coins. Learners earn points or virtual coins by taking a quiz, completing a module, or submitting an assignment on time. In addition to fostering friendly competition, this gamification tactic encourages learners to secure more points or coins by paying better attention.


Along with developing a competitive spirit, badges encourage students to participate actively in various activities. A teacher can foster learner engagement by organizing contests and challenges. Learners will participate in the online event aiming to win badges. The participation will make their learning experience immersive and prevent them from abandoning online courses.


In addition to fostering healthy competition, leaderboards help learners measure their progress and performance. As a visual aid, a leaderboard displays the names and scores of learners participating in an online contest. After organizing online competitions, teachers motivate and engage learners by showing their names and positions on the leaderboard.


Rewards keep learners engaged and motivated by recognizing and appreciating their achievements. Teachers can implement this gamification tactic by giving rewards on completion of modules, submission of assignments, or achievement of high score marks. However, educational institutions ensure that students can convert these rewards into gift vouchers.


In addition to fostering healthy competition, challenges keep students excited in the virtual learning environment. While implementing this form of eLearning gamification, teachers organize regular tasks and activities into small segments. They set a deadline for completion of these tasks. The deadline challenges learners to complete tasks in a stipulated timeframe. The teacher rewards the learner who wins the challenge.

 Quiz Games

When gamifiying eLearning, strategists use quizzes for both education and entertainment purposes. Students can measure their performance or skills by answering questions. At the same time, quizzes keep them motivated by measuring performance in a playful way. The popular gamification tactic boosts the virtual learning environment by fostering a competitive spirit.


Most educational institutions these days offer online courses and certification programs. However, they find it challenging to increase the dismal online course completion rate of 15%. E-learning gamification helps them increase online course completion rates by fostering learner engagement and improving learning experiences.

Most of them leverage the combined benefits of eLearning and gamification by eLearning tools with built-in gamification features. New-age eLearning tools like learning management systems (LMS) and digital library software foster learner engagement by supporting popular forms of eLearning like coins, badges, scorecards, and leaderboards.