Parenting is a vast area with no good or bad by books. But every parent aims to impart knowledge to their kids. This journey is full of ups and downs. As kids grow up, they form their own beliefs and develop their personalities. But parents lay an early foundation for their individuality in their childhood. More importantly, they imitate their parents and every other elderly figure in their families.
That’s why bringing up a child with good manners and a positive attitude is no joke. In nuclear families, it also becomes tougher for the modern age parents to impart the right values alongside holding discipline in the family. In earlier times, kids would get disciplined and learn manners from their grandparents and other family members. They not only had companions for free time but role models within the family. That is not exactly the case with modern-age parents. Nowadays, kids only meet their extended family as well as grandparents on a specific occasion. So, parents must fill this gap that the generation is creating in shaping young children.
The most effective way to do that is for the parents to first learn every small detail that adds up to good parenting. For example- right discipline. While sometimes, we over-discipline which ultimately turns malicious for the kids. It is important to strike the right balance. Parents should unlearn the old techniques of hitting, or scolding children, or policing them in front of others. They should learn the new and subtle techniques of imparting the right values to the children in a friendly yet cautious manner.
You can find some good parenting tips in the article written by our Mintbook expert. At Mintbook we aim to enhance learning and make it accessible for everyone. Therefore, with a thought to help parents do their bit we have added some important parenting tips in this blog.
Good parenting is one of the most critical aspects of the development of the child. Youngsters are most motivated by their parents and do their best when they get help...