There have been various developments in the education sector over the past years. Especially due to COVID-19, educational technology has been rapidly developing. The demand for eLearning has grown as it is the only savior for the education sector after the restrictions on social gatherings were announced. Schools and universities had to digitalize their functioning to avoid any hindrance in education. eLearning was criticized due to its lack of human element but today, the innovations in eLearning have made it the most efficient way of learning. This sector is still constantly developing to enhance learning experiences. In 2024, we will see more innovations in education technology to enhance eLearning experiences.

What is eLearning?

According to eLearningNC,

“We define eLearning as courses that are specifically delivered via the internet to somewhere other than the classroom where the professor is teaching. It is not a course delivered via a DVD or CD-ROM, videotape, or over a television channel. It is interactive in that you can also communicate with your teachers, professors, or other students in your class.”

A learning and teaching system supported by electronic resources such as laptops, tablets, phones, etc. with an internet connection. It is a collection of educational and informative data that includes eBooks, videos, audiobooks, etc. for the purpose of learning and improving skills. Learners can access courses online at any time and from anywhere. It gives freedom of choice to learners to decide what they want to learn and choose a course accordingly. This type of learning does not have limitations such as age, location, or language for learning new skills. Its easy accessibility and benefits make it one of the fastest-growing industries.

What is Traditional Learning?

Traditional learning involves being present at an institution or school to attend classes physically conducted by the organization. This type of learning has been carried out in this generation for a long time. This type of learning requires a lot of resources to conduct. It needs proper management and staff to run every day. Schools, universities, and other educational institutions practiced traditional ways of learning till the time social gatherings were banned. Traditional learning has become an important part of everyone’s life.

Online Learning vs Classroom Learning

Here’s the comparison of Online learning vs Classroom Learning that will help you understand and design which one is more beneficial for education.


Assessments in Online Learning:

eLearning allows educators to make assessments after every course. There are various systems that enable the teachers to create and upload content including assignments and tests. These systems have an automated assessment protocol that helps in giving instant reports after the test. It also provides a time duration limit for each test. The system also shows the correct answers to the incorrect ones for the user to learn and perform better next time. This examination can be taken from the comfort of your home. The students can take exams without any stress in their own personal environments. It also enables conducting tests for candidates in various locations. All they have to do is log into the system and take the test to get instant reliable results.

Assessments in Online Learning:

Classroom learning involves physical examinations. Almost everyone knows how it is it gives an exam in school, where students come prepared with their stationary to sit in a class and write an exam with an invigilator monitoring the class. All the exam answer sheets are collected and then evaluated by assigned individuals who will mark the paper. This process takes a lot of time as compared to eLearning.

Performance Tracking

Performance Tracking in Online Learning:

It is very important to track the progress of the learners during an educational course. The teachers can get automated reports on performances with an eLearning system. A Learning Management System helps in creating online courses and also tracks the reports of the students. This helps educators identify which learners need extra assistance. Another amazing feature of eLearning technologies is that they provide performance of the course material as well. This helps in knowing about the effectiveness of the course and improvising if required.

Performance Tracking in Online Learning:

In the classroom learning method, the teachers have to create a report card for each student manually. The teacher has to mention each student’s progress according to their test results and performance in class. The teachers also add details on personality and behavior based on their personal observations. This is a very time-consuming job and requires a lot of attention. The teacher has to pay attention to each student and note their high and low points.

Student-Teacher Interaction

Student-Teacher Interaction in Online Learning:

Even though online learning lacks the human element, it has found various innovations in eLearning technologies to solve that problem. There are various software like Online Classrooms, Discussion groups, and Chat boxes. Etc. That is a part of the online learning system to fill in the gap of human touch. Teachers can conduct live classes from home, which the students are able to join from their systems. The teachers can also present topics in PPT formats and teach. The technology also allows students to raise hands and ask quires whenever required.

Student-Teacher Interaction in Traditional Learning:

In classroom learning, the human element is the main key. A teacher physically conducts classes and lectures to teach. Students have to travel to attend the classes on scheduled time periods to take lessons. This involves face-to-face interactions between the students and the teachers. Even though this is a method that everyone in society is used to, it has a lot of loopholes as most of the functions to run a system like this require reliability on manual labor. Teachers have to manage a classroom full of students and pay attention to each one of them, which can be tough when it involves lots of manual work.

Cost and Management

Cost and Management in Online Learning:

eLearning can be accessed by anyone and everyone from an electronic device that can connect to the internet. Schools and universities can adopt a Cloud-based Learning Management System that can help manage and conduct courses for a large group of students. This will help them save money and time. With all the automated tasks, it will be easier for educators to manage the curriculum of their classes. This system works on an annual subscription basis and is the best solution for learning in the COVID-19 crisis.

Cost and Management in Online Learning:

Managing a university or school is a tough job. It requires a lot of time, money, and labor. The school needs to be maintained every day, which includes cleaning and arranging resources like water, blackboards desks, etc. Since there are a lot of children in school which is divided into different classes, a huge group of staff is required. Teachers and students have to spend time traveling to attend classes.


Even though traditional ways had become a permanent routine in society, the year 2020 has changed that. Now, the education sector is slowly being taken over by eLearning and its latest developments in technology to provide high-quality learning experiences. So, in the comparison of Online Learning vs Classroom Learning, Online Classroom provides better benefits for your children.

One of the best learning solutions is Mintbook. We offer the best features to make training and learning easy. Our products like the LMS system, online examination platform, and digital library amongst others can give the best learning solution for effective education. Mintbook’s LMS system combined with the Digital Library is a full package that can automate learning processes for customer training.

This blog was revamped and reposted in July 2024.