Intelligence technologies have been creating data-driven business environments across sectors. At the same time, AI-driven tech tools create opportunities for businesses to automate various processes, drive customer engagement, boost customer experiences, and curtail costs. Companies and startups leverage intelligence technologies by focusing extensively on learning and development (L&D).

They encourage and enable employees to acquire and hone skills by creating learning opportunities. Online learning (eLearning) makes it easier for enterprises to train, reskill, and upskill employees by facilitating self-paced learning. ELearning solutions and tools help enterprises run and manage multiple L&D programs by reducing costs and complexities.

They help employees to acquire knowledge and hone skills at their own pace after working hours. Also, they foster knowledge acquisition, retention, and applications by engaging and motivating employees in various ways. However, every organization needs multiple eLearning solutions for businesses to automate the L&D process. We are discussing some of these essential eLearning tools for businesses.

7 eLearning Solutions Businesses Need to Automate L&D Process

  1. Enterprise LMS

A learning management system (LMS) is one of the must-have online learning solutions for businesses. The web-based software streamlines the creation, delivery, management, and monitoring of various L&D programs. At the same time, it drives self-paced learning by enabling employees to access eLearning content anytime and anywhere using a computer or mobile device.

Leading enterprise LMS systems encourage and motivate employees to develop and refine skills by supporting important trends like mobile, collaborative, and gamified learning. They further drive eLearning content development by featuring built-in eLearning authoring tools. A business can customize, scale, and integrate cloud-based LMS systems according to its precise L&D needs.

  1. Virtual Classroom Software

Businesses need this eLearning solution to support instructor-led training. The virtual classroom software facilitates communication, interaction, and collaboration by featuring video conferencing tools. An instructor can use the software to organize training sessions, share prerecorded videos, give assignments, share eLearning content, and measure learner progress.

At the same time, the message board provided by the eLearning solutions makes it easier for employees to understand concepts deeply by asking questions and clearing doubts.  Organizations implement online classroom software to boost L&D initiatives by combining synchronous and asynchronous learning. Also, they boost the L&D process by integrating the software with an LMS.

  1. Digital Library Software

No business can run multiple L&D programs successfully without producing eLearning content in various formats. It needs both eLearning authoring tools and content creators to create digital learning material in popular formats like videos, eBooks, audio, and infographics. Digital library software eliminates the need to invest in eLearning authoring tools by providing a large and diverse repository of off-the-shelf content.

The software enables employees to develop and hone skills by reading eBooks, listening to audio, or watching videos. Leading digital library tools further share up-to-date information about various topics by sharing content curated from internal and external sources. Businesses boost eLearning content delivery by integrating the digital library with an LMS or virtual classroom software.

  1. Learning Experience Platform (LXP)

While selecting eLearning solutions, many businesses opt for Learning experience platforms as a new-age alternative to LMS systems. An LXP drives self-directed learning using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. This online learning tool does not simplify the creation and management of L&D programs. Instead, it drives skill development and acquisition by delivering curated content to employees.

An employee can use the software to access in-depth and up-to-date information curated from online courses. Also, the software enables him to find additional information and recommend relevant content. An LMX boosts learner engagement and learning experience by putting the learner at the center. Additionally, it creates opportunities for employees to upload user-generated content.

  1. Training Dashboard

No business can make L&D initiatives successfully without monitoring training programs and employees in real-time. An eLearning dashboard conveys real-time information about learners and L&D programs visually. The visual interface provided by the software makes it easier for L&D managers to measure training program performance and learner progress in seconds.

Also, the manager can use the dashboard to assess eLearning data using relevant KPIs. At the same time, the dashboard simplifies performance monitoring and measurement by supporting customer report generation and scheduling. Leading LMS in education these days come with built-in training dashboards. Hence, businesses can avail of intuitive dashboards by selecting the right LMS.

  1. AI Chatbots

According to Oracle, “Chatbots can be as simple as rudimentary programs that answer a simple query with a single-line response, or as sophisticated as digital assistants that learn and evolve to deliver increasing levels of personalization as they gather and process information.” Chatbots have been driving enterprise L&D by acting as virtual instructors or mentors.

They help employees acquire and hone skills in various ways – delivering relevant content, answering questions, and personalizing learning paths. Businesses implement educational chatbots to boost learner engagement and provide proactive support. However, an organization can customize AI chatbots to automate important activities like training program registration, feedback collection, and learner progress monitoring.

  1. Learning Analytics

No business can reskill and upskill employees effectively without knowing what is working and what is not. Learning analytics help L&D managers make informed decisions by making sense of raw eLearning data. This online learning solution unifies and analyzes eLearning data regularly and automatically. Also, it shares actionable insights with L&D managers without human intervention.

L&D managers can use data-driven insights to measure the performance of L&D programs, deliver relevant eLearning content, and provide relevant support to learners. They can engage and retain skilled employees by making the right decision at the right time. Businesses have the option to implement LMSs with built-in data analytics solutions.


A company or startup needs different eLearning solutions to automate the L&D process successfully. Also, it must ensure seamless communication between individual eLearning tools. Hence, every business must build an integrated or unified learning platform by combining the required online learning solutions. That is why enterprises these days opt for unified learning platforms that include essential eLearning solutions for businesses.

About Mintbook

Mintbook simplifies L&D automation by providing businesses with a unified learning platform. The platform combines online classroom software, a learning management system, and digital library software. Hence, enterprises can leverage the customizable learning platform to eliminate the need to implement and integrate different eLearning tools and solutions.