A report published by McKinsey suggests a surge in the number of students opting for online learning (eLearning) to acquire knowledge and obtain certification without being present in a classroom physically. Students across regions have been joining online courses and certification programs offered by reputable educational institutions.

However, several market research studies have highlighted that only 15% of students finish online courses and obtain certifications. Over 85% of students do not complete online courses due to various reasons. Schools, colleges, universities, and other educational institutions increase online course completion rates by implementing robust eLearning tools.

For instance, they enable students to access eLearning content in different formats and languages by implementing digital library software. Likewise, they keep students engaged by implementing learning management systems (LMS) with collaboration and gamification features. Also, they encourage students to complete online courses by sharing many best practices and strategies.

We are discussing several actionable learning strategies for students to earn online certifications from reputable educational institutions.

10 Actionable Online Learning Strategies for Students

  1. Don’t Differentiate between Online and Offline Courses

Often students prefer online courses to offline courses to acquire knowledge at their own pace. However, the flexibility and convenience make them treat online courses differently from conventional courses. No student can complete online courses successfully when he considers them as real courses. They must make it a practice to study regularly, submit assignments on time, and focus on knowledge retention. These practices are essential to stay relevant in the digital age by developing in-demand job skills.

  1. Make Study Schedules

Self-paced learning makes students avoid study schedules or plans. The absence of proper study schedules often makes it challenging for students to complete online courses. After joining an online course, every student must make the perfect study plan by answering important questions like when to study, what to study, and how to balance other activities. The clearly defined study schedule will make him dedicate time to acquiring knowledge and understanding a topic/concept in a stipulated time frame.

  1. Access Content in Multiple Formats

Most online course providers implement digital library software. The software enables students to access eLearning content in various formats – eBooks, journals, simulations, audio, video, and quizzes. However, every student must focus on identifying the best-suited content format. Initially, he must understand a topic in various ways – reading eBooks, watching videos, and listening to audio. The experiment will help him choose the best eLearning content format.

  1. Learn Topics Deeply

While making learning strategies, students must focus on understanding a topic or concepts deeply. In addition to accessing the content shared by the instructor, they must gather information from external sources. They must leverage the curated content shared by eLearning tools. ELearning solutions share up-to-date information about a topic collected from credible sources. Likewise, students must access the content recommended by the eLearning solutions. The additional information will help them achieve goals like clear understanding and knowledge retention.

  1. Monitor Your Progress

Often students ignore the significance of monitoring progress after joining an online course. Performance measurement and monitoring are essential for completing an online course successfully. Students can easily monitor their learning progress using the dashboard provided by learning management systems (LMSs). Likewise, they can measure their performance by taking quizzes provided by the digital library software.

  1. Collaborate with Peers

In a virtual learning environment, students often feel isolated due to a lack of collaboration. However, they can connect and collaborate with peers using collaboration features provided by the LMS. For instance, they can connect with peers by answering questions posted by them on query boards. Likewise, they can leverage discussion forums to participate in ongoing conversations related to specific topics or concepts. The collaboration helps them complete online courses by keeping them engaged and motivated.

  1. Clear Your Doubts

Often students find it challenging to ask questions and clear doubts while studying online. However, they can clear doubts regularly by leveraging the options provided by the educational institution. For instance, a student can clear doubts by interacting with AI chatbots, participating in online discussions, and attending peer tutoring sessions. Likewise, they can interact with an instructor directly using real-time chat options provided by eLearning solutions.

  1. Take Regular Screen Breaks

When a student opts for eLearning, he has to access eLearning content using a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Hence, he cannot reduce screen time while learning over the internet. However, he can relieve stress by taking screen breaks regularly. For instance, a student can reduce screen fatigue by keeping a notebook and pen handy. The notepad will help him note down important points or summarize long-form content. The screen break will keep him engaged and motivate him to study.

  1. Decrease Digital Distractions

Mobile devices convert students into multitaskers. A student can use a smartphone or tablet to perform multiple tasks simultaneously – watch movies, listen to music, play games, and access eLearning content. Multitasking makes it challenging for students to increase their attention span and focus on their studies. A student can complete an online course successfully only by decreasing common digital distractions like emails, text messages, online videos, social media, and music.

  1. Humanize Learning Experiences

AI content creation tools enable students to complete assignments and write papers without putting in extra time and effort. However, several studies have highlighted that AI-generated content dehumanizes students’ learning experience. Every student must unleash his intelligence and creativity by avoiding such AI-generated content. The practice will help students avoid accessing misinformation and following unethical tactics that contribute to cheating.


Despite a surge in student enrollment in online courses, the online course completion rate is abysmally low. Educational institutions have been boosting online course completion rates by implementing and integrating essential eLearning tools like online classroom software, learning management systems, and digital library software.

Also, they prioritize eLearning solutions that keep students engaged and boost their online learning experiences. However, students must follow a slew of best practices to complete online courses successfully. These actionable learning strategies for students help them obtain the desired certifications while acquiring knowledge at their own pace and convenience.