Learning Management Systems have become one of the main factors of a digital transformation for any business. Even in the educational sector, eLearning is getting the maximum importance especially at this time when the social norms of our society are changing due to the COVID-19 PandemicAn LMS system will not only make educational courses easier but also provide better management of data and performance results. Unlike basic traditional classroom learning, a K12 Learning Management System widens the horizon of learning by making it a personalized yet controlled process.  

According to Guide2Research report

“3.2 million college students are exclusively enrolled in online education courses.” 

Students are now mostly attracted to digital devices like mobile phones and computers. K12 LMS makes sure that it provides an automated system of learning that is adaptable and engaging for students of this generation. 

According to eLearninginfographics,

“The Global eLearning Market Will Reach $31 Billion By the End Of 2020”.

Educational institutes like universities and schools are rapidly adopting LMS for effective learning and taking a step towards digital transformation. School Learning Management System is not only beneficial for students but also for teachers to manage and administer courses in a much more efficient manner.  

What is a K12 Learning Management System? 

K12 Learning Management System is a software application for schools to automate learning digitally. It aims to develop, implement, manage, track, and deliver educational courses for all grades. It is a beneficial system to ease the process of learning for the students as well as educators. Users of this system can easily access learning content through the internet by logging into a portal.  

Features of K12 Learning Management System

Here are some of the important features of K12 LMS that can help enhance the digital learning experience in schools.  

Easy Management 

This system facilitates easy management of courses, users, and roles. K12 LMS has a user-friendly interface that anyone can easily adapt to. This system gives full control over the course and its contents. Teachers can easily create course content and share it with the students. 

Accurate Performance Reports

As compared to traditional classroom teaching, where teachers manually create performance reports for each student, this system makes all of that work easy for them. Teachers can easily generate detailed reports on the performance of the learners without putting in a lot of effort. They can even customize the report by choosing templates and styles according to their requirements

Notifications and Messenger

The LMS system provides instant notifications along with a messaging tool. Teachers can stay in touch with the students and share notifications with ease. They can also keep track of students submitting important projects and assignments on time. 

Easy Administration

Introducing a digital device in the education setting of a school is easy but administering it is something that comes with the risk of errors due to its complexity. With K12 LMS, administering the courses is a breeze, as it is an automated process that can be managed by the click of a button. 

With the help of these features, a school can reap maximum benefits and reduce the manual work required in carrying out the simplest tasks. 

Benefits of K12 Learning Management System

Here’s how a learning management system for schools can benefit their education process.  

Parental Access to the Curriculum

K12 LMS gives full access to parents and enables them to view class schedules, assignments, timetables, and reports. This helps the parents in helping their children be more organized with their studies. The parents can monitor the activities of their children on the LMS platform and participate in the learning process. 

Well Organized Distribution of Course Materials

This system makes sure all the students get the course materials that they require to study. This material is accessible to them whether they are in class or at home. All students can easily log in to study their subject at any time and from anywhere. K12 LMS also enables the sharing of online course material via links.  

Variety of Assessment Options

K12 LMS enables educators to create various assessments in a variety of formats. They can create short quizzes, questionnaires, multiple-choice quizzes, and tests according to the requirements of the subject. Students get multiple options of format to upload their work and teachers can provide them with results immediately after submission. 

Communication Tools

This system provides messenger tools where students and teachers can connect with each other for important discussions. Teachers can also create groups for class projects and classrooms. This can help teachers address all the students at once for any important announcements. 

Tracking Student Performance 

The system stores all student reports in one place for the teachers and parents to easily access. These reports track all activities and detailed results of students to help to identify the areas of progress along with areas that need improvement. This will help the teacher guide the students in focusing on areas that need work and also highlight their best abilities. 

Create a Remote Learning Environment Anywhere

With K12 LMS, students can easily create a learning environment outside of their classrooms. Parents can easily help their children learn at home by setting up a digital space for them. This system only requires a digital device and an internet connection to participate in effective learning.

Enhanced Student Organization

Students can upload all their assignments and projects on time as the teachers can assign tasks on their calendars. Teachers can mark due dates for assignments, important test dates, or project submission deadlines on their calendars. Also, the system sends the students a reminder notification so they don’t miss out or forget. These calendar markings can also be accessed by the parents to keep a check on the student’s schedule.

Subject Resources in Various Formats

This system allows teachers to share content about the subjects in audio, video, and text formats. External links can easily be embedded into the course content to make learning attractive and engaging. Also, it gives educators an opportunity to share knowledge with their students in a way that can be easily grasped by students.


The K12 Learning Management system is a highly beneficial digital transition that all schools need. This system aims for students to gain a better understanding of their subjects to the best of their abilities. K12 LMS also reduces the cost of maintenance and purchasing of physical tools like papers, making it an environmentally friendly system. Schools can save time and money while they provide top-class education at the same time. 

About Mintbook

Mintbook provides a learning management system (LMS) with built-in eLearning authoring tools. At the same time, the leading eLearning solution provider helps organizations automate eLearning content creation by providing robust digital library software. The cloud-based digital library enables access to off-the-shelf content and shares curated content simultaneously.

This blog was republished in February 2024.