Mintbook’s LMS for schools make creating and sharing engaging content for students a breeze. Our exemplary LMS comes integrated with an all-encompassing digital library that includes published content by reputed publishers like Bloomberg and BBC Teach. Get reliable information from trusted sources at Mintbook's in-depth Library feature.
Teachers can use our in-house virtual whiteboard to interact with students and teach them in real-time. With features like annotate and chat boxes, lessons conducted on our LMS solutions are sure to be partaken in. This feature adds the human element for enhancing the learning experience for students.
Our advanced learning management system for schools and universities allow teachers to conduct tests to improve the effectiveness of their lessons. For students at higher levels, our Live School Classrooms also provide test banks and mock tests to practice for competitive exams such as CET, IIT-JEE, and GMATs. The system focuses on training students to deliver excellent performances in competitive exams.
The ethos behind Mintbook’s LMS is to do everything possible to increase learner engagement rates. Mintbook provides gamified lessons and positively reinforcing students to increase engagement in learning. Students can compete with others, earn coins and badges, and progress to higher levels to achieve top ranks in the leader boards.
Mintbooks LMS not only promotes learning from watching but also learning from doing. Mintbook’s LMS for schools, students can use our simulation labs to study the practical aspects of their lessons, and therefore comprehend the application of theories in real-world scenarios. This helps the students utilize and polish their skill practically in their lives.
Mintbook has a huge content repository with more than 200,000 published content from reputed publishers like Stanford and BBC. Students can use these books, videos, presentations, and quizzes to gain a more profound insight into the subject or topic of their choice. This system gives the user information in multimedia formats for better experiences.
Mintbook offers schools a one-stop solution for all their teaching needs. Unlike other LMS systems that offer you just one aspect of your learning needs, Mintbook has everything you need – LMS, virtual classrooms, a huge repository of digital content, and test preparation materials – all under one roof.
Education institutions can now give young adults the best of both worlds. With our blended learning modules, institutions can utilize presentations, or animated videos in conjunction with their instructor-led lessons. Students can not only learn by reading books but also gain practical experiences in the required subjects with the help of interactive labs.
Schools can award customized certificates according to their guidelines to those learners who have completed their online, assigned courses to instil a sense of accomplishment in students to motivate them further. The certificates can be personalized with various formats, color, logos and font options.
Learners can earn badges and coins to proceed to higher levels. Employees compete with each other to get the highest rank on the leader board based on the highest points scored.
Mintbook’s LMS solution comes equipped with a video conferencing platform that uses chat options to permit learners to voice their doubts in real-time.
Our learning management system allows administrators to moderate and create forums threads to foster debates and learner-focused discussions.
Our eLearning solution allows for the use of editing tools on our whiteboard during video conferencing, which can be recorded and saved in our digital library.
Learners benefit from a two-pronged approach to learning on our LMS software – online courses and ILT (Instructor-Led Training). Trainers can use a multitude of ready-to-use options from our online library for their online courses to complement their ILT training modules.
Our courses and assessment are available in multiple languages to facilitate ease of learning for users with diverse backgrounds.
An interactive dashboard gives important, relevant metrics of all your learners to help understand the effectiveness of your training.
Our proprietary eReader and player follows AES encryption standards. It gives organizations the option to use digital rights management tools to protect their content against piracy concerns. Moreover, regular security updates for OS, SSL, and TLS is provided via patches.
Create a flexible learning pathway that can be accessed by learners anywhere and on any device with Mintbook. Our LMS solution is available for use on web platforms such as Firefox and Chrome. Additionally, users can also access our platform via an integrated mobile application or our one-of-a-kind IoT device, Mbox.
Our LMS platform is integrated with email and messaging gateway services so users receive real-time notifications of reports, quizzes, and pending courses.
The platform can be integrated with the payment gateway of your choice, making it easier for your organization to collect funds or charge for courses.
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