A digital pocket library with pre loaded school curriculum, competitive exam preparations, mock test, Simulations, dictionary, tech camps, DIY, Science Hacks and much more
Learn on the go.
Anytime. Anywhere
5000+ content learning through videos, ebooks, and quizzes
Automatically updates content (with internet connection)
Safe and secure learning without the internet
Analytics to help monitor child's learning
we are here to hassle free customer support (24/7)
Latest technology with immense curated content
Academic contents mapped to Board curriculum
Concept videos that helps to drive clarity to a learner for better assimilation and retention
Digital books covering curriculum and also providing learning material beyond syllabus coverage
Range of resources that are made available to prepare for various competitive exams like Olympiad, NEET , IIT-JEE etc.
Engage learners to try, learn and understand various concepts through experiments
Tech Camps, provide the learner with the latest knowledge relevant for the competitive world and Quiz helps to practice and cement the learning.
A digital pocket library with pre loaded school curriculum, competitive exam preparations, mock test, Simulations, dictionary, tech camps, DIY, Science Hacks and much more
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World of knowledge at
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Curated by professional experts exclusively for your needs
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