University courses are hard and supplementary information is often required to fully understand a concept. With Mintbook’s learning management system for universities, this problem tends to resolve itself
Our digital repository allows students to access humongous amounts of published literary work such as NASA Goddard, the Thomson Reuters Foundation and much more. Our LMS helps students expand their scope of learning substantially
Instructors can assign assessments online and students can upload completed assignments onto the platform. This avoids massive paperwork, complicated grading systems and lost assignments.
Take online classes for students, set online tests, and create or upload content easily on our platform with our revolutionary 360-degree learning approach.
Mintbook’s LMS system has the potential to help you break geographical barriers. That’s to say, if your organization wishes to do so, it could provide courses to people globally.
Universities can use our lab simulation facilities to explain complicated theories to students in a manner that focuses on the application of the theory rather than simply remembering it.
With Mintbook’s learning management system for colleges, students who completed the course can gain certificates. This tends to increase the participation rates of students while reducing the dropout rates.
Mintbook has numerous redeeming features. Unlike traditional learning management systems, Mintbook offers much more than a platform for universities to upload their PowerPoint presentations online while they teach. It also is a holistic tool that helps professors use not just an audio-visual method of teaching, but also helps design critical-thinking based curriculums for increasing the employability of their students.
Learners can earn badges and coins to proceed to higher levels. Employees compete with each other to get the highest rank on the leader board based on the highest points scored.
Mintbook’s LMS solution comes equipped with a video conferencing platform that uses chat options to permit learners to voice their doubts in real-time.
Our learning management system allows administrators to moderate and create forums threads to foster debates and learner-focused discussions.
Our eLearning solution allows for the use of editing tools on our whiteboard during video conferencing, which can be recorded and saved in our digital library.
Learners benefit from a two-pronged approach to learning on our LMS software – online courses and ILT (Instructor-Led Training). Trainers can use a multitude of ready-to-use options from our online library for their online courses to complement their ILT training modules.
Our courses and assessment are available in multiple languages to facilitate ease of learning for users with diverse backgrounds.
An interactive dashboard gives important, relevant metrics of all your learners to help understand the effectiveness of your training.
Our proprietary eReader and player follows AES encryption standards. It gives organizations the option to use digital rights management tools to protect their content against piracy concerns. Moreover, regular security updates for OS, SSL, and TLS is provided via patches.
Create a flexible learning pathway that can be accessed by learners anywhere and on any device with Mintbook. Our LMS solution is available for use on web platforms such as Firefox and Chrome. Additionally, users can also access our platform via an integrated mobile application or our one-of-a-kind IoT device, Mbox.
Our LMS platform is integrated with email and messaging gateway services so users receive real-time notifications of reports, quizzes, and pending courses.
The platform can be integrated with the payment gateway of your choice, making it easier for your organization to collect funds or charge for courses.
Mintbook is considered a pioneer in the field of digital upskilling and education tools. With an exceptional learning system, our clients include sturdy organizations, such as banks, libraries, governmental offices, and universities to upskill their employees and to digitize their learning inventory.
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