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eLearning Solutions for Smart Cities
eLearning Systems for Smart Cities
Smartcity eLearning Solutions
solutions for smart cities
Learning solutions for smart cities
Education solutions for smart cities
Smart city eLibrary
smart solutions for smart cities

Our Smart City eLibrary

A key aspect of developing smart cities is the digitization of library management systems. This enables citizens to gain digital access to eBooks available in their public libraries. With Mintbook, cities use a single integrated digital library platform to enhance the digital literacy amongst your citizens.

This infrastructure includes a digital inventory of eBooks that is accessible via the library website and mobile application and a medium that hosts audio-visual and multimedia content.

Other aspects of a smart city library include –

Cloud Hosting

Analytics & MIS

Integration with the City Command Control Centre

eLibrary Kiosk

How Mintbook helps Link Education to the Future

Mintbook is here to revolutionize the education landscape available today. With our intuitive eLearning solutions and resources, citizens will be equipped to meet the needs of the ever-changing needs of tomorrow.

Eliminate Digital Divide Amongst the Social Strata of a City

With Mintbook, smart cities can ensure that all stratus of society have the same access to information and education irrespective of other conditions. With our digital library management systems, citizens can use published works to help them become more work-force friendly.

Encourage the Revival of Vernacular Literature

By digitizing the published works available in a public library and simplifying the usage processes, smart cities can make borrowing of books easier and thereby encourage people who want to read in their vernacular language. Additionally, students can use digital libraries for their education.


What Our Clients Say

Mintbook is considered a pioneer in the field of digital upskilling and education tools. With an exceptional learning system, our clients include sturdy organizations, such as banks, libraries, governmental offices, and universities to upskill their employees and to digitize their learning inventory.

Digital Library in India
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