As an HR-driven initiative, learning and development enable and encourage employees to acquire knowledge, gain skills, and develop capabilities. In addition to boosting employees’ performance and productivity, learning and development initiatives help organizations enhance operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue growth.

We can understand the huge significance of learning and development in HRM based on two sets of statistics. Firstly, 76% of millennials in the workforce consider career advancement opportunities one of the most important aspects of company culture. While seeking a position, they opt for organizations that create career development opportunities by investing in learning and development.

Secondly, 74% of Gen Z-ers and millennials in the workforce switch jobs in 12 months due to the lack of skill development and career mobility options. Organizations find it challenging to reduce employee turnover rates without fostering learning and development. Hence, HR managers use learning and development as a strategy to drive talent acquisition and talent retention.

They foster learning and development by running a slew of training programs. Some of these training programs help employees develop new skills, while others create opportunities for them to move into advanced positions. Also, HR managers streamline complex processes like learning and development (L&D) by adopting best practices and adopting educational technologies (edtech). We are discussing some of these best practices for streamlining learning and development in HRM.

7 Best Practices for Streamlining Learning and Development in HRM

Analyze and Bridge the Skill Gap

While strategizing L&D initiatives, HR managers focus on bridging the skill gap. They conduct elaborate skill gap analysis to evaluate the skills employees currently have and the skills they must develop to maximize performance and productivity. The analysis helps accomplish goals and drive growth by prioritizing reskilling and upskilling programs.

For instance, they drive digital transformation by helping employees learn and leverage Industry 4.0 technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics. Learning management systems (LMSs) help HRM managers bridge the skill gap by simplifying the creation, delivery, monitoring, and management of various L&D programs.

Support Blended Learning Model

Most working professionals develop and hone professional skills at their own pace. Hence, HR managers enable them to acquire knowledge at their own pace and convenience by facilitating self-paced learning. However, many employees want to develop skills by interacting with a trainer or instructor.

The trainer helps employees understand a concept deeply by clearing doubts and answering questions. Hence, HR managers can boost the L&D process by supporting self-paced and instructor-led learning models. They can facilitate blended learning by supplementing the LMS with online classroom software.

Enable Access to Multi-Format Content

Working professionals find it more convenient to access digital learning content on mobile devices. However, they differ from each other in the categories of content preferences and reading habits. For instance, some employees prefer watching educational videos or listening to educational podcasts, while others read eBooks and journals.

HR managers address these differences by enabling employees to access eLearning content in multiple formats. They opt for digital library software that delivers digital learning content in various formats – eBooks, journals, quizzes, videos, audio, and simulations. Also, they prioritize software that shares thought leadership content with employees by curating content from diverse sources.

Foster Learner Engagement and Motivation

As highlighted by several studies, over 85% of learners abandon online courses due to different reasons. HR managers make L&D initiatives successful by engaging and motivating employees to develop skills after working hours. They foster learner engagement by adopting eLearning gamification.

Gamification tactics boost learner engagement in a virtual learning environment using video game features. HR managers gamify L&D activities by implementing eLearning tools that provide popular gamification features like coins, badges, and scorecards.

Facilitate Collaboration and Interaction

Often employees do not engage with digital learning content deeply due to the absence of options to collaborate and interact with peers. HR managers keep employees engaged by supporting collaborative learning. They create opportunities for employees to stay connected with peers using various collaborative learning tactics.

HR managers these days facilitate virtual collaboration by implementing eLearning tools. They opt for employee training solutions featuring discussion forums, chat rooms, leaderboards, and query corners. These features keep learners engaged and motivated by fostering collaboration in the virtual learning environment.

Define Important KPIs

Several studies suggest a surge in the number of companies increasing their L&D budgets. The increase in L&D budgets makes it essential for HR managers to measure and track the ROI of L&D using various metrics. While strategizing L&D activities, HR managers define important L&D metrics like participation rate, completion rate, engagement rate, knowledge application rate, and employee retention rate.

These predefined KPIs help them assess L&D programs by understanding if the L&D programs meet preset goals, employees join relevant L&D programs, and employees are boosting process efficiency by applying skills. In addition, HR managers monitor L&D programs and employees in real-time using eLearning dashboards.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

HR managers integrate cloud-based eLearning tools using application programming interfaces (APIs). The integration enables them to gather and access real-time L&D data without human interventions. HR managers make sense of the raw data using learning analytics. Data analytics solutions gain and share actionable insights by unifying and analyzing large amounts of L&D data automatically.

The data-driven insights help HR managers detect common patterns and emerging trends. Also, managers can leverage actionable insights to boost the L&D process by understanding what is working and what is not. The data-driven insights help them run L&D programs successfully without escalating costs.

Learning and Development in HRM: Conclusion

No organization can recruit and retain new-generation employees without investing in learning and development. HR managers streamline the complex process by adopting best practices. At the same time, they increase the return on investment (ROI) of L&D by implementing cloud-based online learning (eLearning) tools.

For instance, they create, manage, monitor, and deliver various L&D programs by implementing cloud-based learning management systems (LMS). Likewise, they enable employees to access digital learning content in their preferred format by implementing cloud-based digital library software.

Most organizations these days boost and streamline L&D in HRM by unifying essential employee training tools. The unified learning platform helps HR managers make informed decisions based on real-time L&D data from various sources.