As terms such as digital learning landscape, digital library, online employee training, and learning optimization tools become increasingly popularized, organizations often find themselves comparing learning experience platforms (LXP) with learning management systems (LMS) in hopes of incorporating optimal technology that fosters efficient content curation and employee satisfaction. Before diving into the key differences between the Learning Experience Platform vs Learning Management System, it might be beneficial to examine each of them individually. 

What is a learning experience platform?

The primary objective of a learning experience platform, or LXP,  is to provide each learner with an individualized and unique learning experience that supports their ideal trajectory of learning. LXPs do so by using artificial intelligence (AI) for content curation and selection, and by providing learners with the opportunity to customize their learning experience to a great extent. In LXPs, AI is consolidated such that it deviates from providing users with a structured organizational module and towards providing users with multimedia micro-training modules that better fit their needs. For instance, if a user already has partial knowledge of the subject matter being taught and is generally a visual learner, learning experience platforms allow AI to provide the user with images and videos of the parts of the subject the user is unaware of, thus improving time efficiency and user satisfaction.

An integral component of learning experience platforms is that they allow users to add third-party content to be shared with other users in addition to being allowed to create their content to be shared; this feature promotes flexibility in learning as users can mutually influence each other’s learning experience. Generally, LXPs tend to mimic social media platforms both in the manner in which they provide individualized user content and allow users to interact with each other. Learners can rate and comment on learning material which guides the popularity of the content and also encourages community building. 

Another popular element that adds to the user experience in numerous learning experience platforms is the presence of chatbots and gamification of content. Oftentimes, learning experience platforms incorporate an AI-based chatbot that assists users with their modules and questions, regardless of the time and day. Gamification is also used to promote a more enjoyable and interactive learning experience for users.

  • Individualized learning experience and user-reliant
  • Use of AI-generated micro-training modules
  • Curated multimedia learning materials
  • Ability to share third-party content or self-generate content
  • Includes chatbots and gamification

What is a learning management system?

The basic objective of learning management systems, or LMSs,  is to allow educational institutions and corporations to provide centralized and accessible training material to their learners to achieve organizational goals. The broad goals within LMS platforms are generally set by administrators; they can range anywhere from wanting employees to achieve basic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training to wanting students to excel in higher levels of Algebra. Administrators within organizations provide learners with digital libraries that contain multimedia training content to help achieve modular goals set by the administrators. The administrators can test the learners’ grasp of the provided content by encouraging learners to take quizzes and post their thoughts on the subject matter on shared forums on the platform. For instance, organizations determined to provide their employees with cohesive DEI training can use LMS platforms to divide their DEI training material into multiple modules with multimedia content and only allow employees to progress from one module to the next by receiving a satisfactory grade in a quiz from the previous module. Administrators can also request feedback from employees after each module to better formulate the modules for future quiz takers.  

While the different learning management systems can differ in terms of design and marketing strategies, most LMSs share certain key features. As mentioned previously, LMS platforms allow administrators to curate digital libraries, create and manage courses, and provide multimedia and multichannel access to learning material. Additionally, LMS systems allow learners to access and track their progress in courses as well as test their knowledge upon successful completion of a course or a module. Most LMSs also have a calendar feature that allows users to view upcoming deadlines, course schedules, and potential test dates, and a social component that allows users to interact with each other. Mintbook, for instance, provides users with an individualized dashboard that presents general course progress, upcoming deadlines, and recent inter-user interaction. Furthermore, Mintbook provides users with forums that allow them to interact with each other on relevant course matters, ask course leaders or teachers questions, and provide feedback to administrators. Most LMSs, including Mintbook, provide corporations the opportunity to cater to certification courses as well; upon completion of a certification course, the user would receive an online certificate or badge on their profile. 

Although the organizational administrators usually determine the course content and objectives, LMS platforms allow for a great deal of customization to add to the user experience. Mintbook for example, allows for the customization of the digital libraries and user experience based on the organizational sector; healthcare organizations, educational institutions, banks, training centers, and non-profit organizations may differ in teaching methodologies and organizational goals which in turn influences which components of the LMS needs to be highlighted more and which components can be excluded completely. Mintbook also offers gamification of content which builds on the customization elements of LMS – Mintbook provides users with the option to learn content and interact or compete with other users by playing games and earning coins and badges. Regional languages are incorporated into digital libraries to provide a more equitable learning experience.

  • Allows corporations to provide centralized and accessible training material
  • Broad course goals set by administrators
  • Offers multimedia, multichannel, multilingual content curated by administrators
  • Offers certification courses
  • Promotes inter-user interactions via forums and gamification
  • Compliant with eLearning standards such as SCORM
  • Customizations or digital libraries based on the organizational sector

How are learning experience platforms different from learning management platforms?

While comparing learning experience platforms vs learning management systems, it is important to understand that no one is universally better than the other. Rather, it might be better to question which of the two is more suitable to meet the long-term demands of the organization as well as the users. LXPs are more focused on the user experience by allowing users to curate their content and share third-party content of their choice as well as setting their own pace, thus creating the best-individualized user experience. On the other hand, LMSs cater to organizational goals by providing users with digital libraries curated by the administrators. The table below showcases the major differences between LXPs and LMSs.

Learning Experience Platform vs Learning Management System

  • The user curates and shares content
  • Users can set their own learning pace
  • Limited scalability due to increased individualization
  • Lack of structured certification courses
  • AI generates personalized micro-modules 
  • Greater focus on open-ended goals
  • Allows users to rate any training material 
  • Less monitoring of content shared – could promote the spread of misinformation
  • Users can be more time efficient by fast-forwarding training material they are already aware of using AI
  • Digital libraries curated by administrators
  • Limited time flexibility as deadlines are set by administrators
  • Increased scalability
  • Opportunity to offer certification courses
  • Modules are fixed by administrators
  • Focus on compliance-oriented goals
  • User feedback can be provided only when asked
  • Content provided and shared are vetted and monitored by administrators
  • Users move through modules in chronological order and generally require completion of quizzes to test knowledge

LMS systems might be a better choice for organizations that require a large number of employees to go through compliance and regulatory training as it is better equipped to track employee completion rates and provide structured learning content. LXPs might be a better option if the central goal is to provide users with the utmost flexibility and individualization of learning content. Both LXPs and LMSs provide users with the opportunity to engage with their peers, thereby making their learning experience more enjoyable. Multiple components of LXPs have been integrated into LMSs, such as Mintbook, to make the learning experience more user-friendly. Schedule a free demo to learn more about how Mintbook can meet your organizational needs.