Gamification is one of the hottest trends in conventional education and online learning. While implementing eLearning, educational institutions and enterprises motivate and engage learners by adding game-like activities and elements.

A gamified learning management system is developed with built-in features to support gamification in eLearning. Most organizations these days opt for learning management systems (LMS) with gamification features to convert eLearning activities and tasks more interactive and playful.

What is a Gamified Learning Management System?

Like a conventional LMS, a gamified LMS comes with features to streamline the creation, delivery, tracking, and management of online training programs and courses. However, a gamified LMS, unlike a conventional learning management system, transforms and boosts learning experiences by applying game principles and mechanics.

The gamification features and options provided by the new-age edtech software help organizations increase online course completion rates by increasing learning experiences, learner engagement, and knowledge retention. A gamified LMS supports the gamification of eLearning by providing a slew of features and options.

Common Gamification Features Provided by a Gamified Learning Management System


As a distinction token, badges help learners showcase their learning achievements. While configuring the LMS, an administrator can make learners earn badges after completing modules and courses. The badges will keep the learner engaged and motivate him to complete the online course.


A leaderboard displays the names and scores of players participating in a game. Gamified LMS fosters healthy competition between learners by supporting the leaderboard. The feature encourages learners to increase their real-time ranking by completing courses and increasing scores.

Virtual Coins:

This gamification enables learners to earn virtual coins after completing a course or achieving preset eLearning goals. An organization can motivate learners to accomplish eLearning goals by replacing virtual coins with real coins.


Scorecards help learners assess performance and monitor progress in the virtual learning environment. A learner can refer to his scorecard to plan the activities and efforts required to accomplish the eLearning goal set by him.


While playing video games or mobile games, each player aspires to reach the next level. The feature provided by a gamified LMS requires the administrator to divide a course into multiple levels. A learner has to complete specific tasks or earn certain points to progress to the next level. The feature motivates learners to progress by creating dynamic learning paths.

Knowledge Battles:

This gamification feature provided by the LMS fosters knowledge retention by making a learner challenge another learner. A learner can challenge another learner by asking questions or answering quizzes. The LMS will recognize the winner by awarding him badges or virtual points.

Why do Organizations Implement Gamified Learning Management Systems?

Several studies suggest that online course completion rates usually range from 5% to 15%. Furthermore, 85% of learners do not complete online courses and training programs. As a tried and tested strategy, gamification helps organizations increase online course completion rates in several ways. Most organizations implement gamified LMS to motivate and encourage online courses in several ways.

Boost eLearning Experiences

Poor learning experience is one of the factors that make learners abandon online courses. A gamified LMS helps organizations make the eLearning experience exciting and fun. The game-like elements integrated into the eLearning process help learners acquire knowledge in a relaxed environment. Hence, they feel motivated to complete the online courses on time. An enterprise can leverage the gamified LMS to optimize a wide range of employee training and development programs.

Support Knowledge Retention

The outcome of eLearning programs depends on knowledge retention. An enterprise cannot reskill and upskill employees when they do not recall and practice the knowledge gained by joining online courses. In addition to boosting their eLearning experiences, a gamified LMS helps learners retain knowledge by delivering a memorable eLearning experience.

Facilitate Progress Monitoring

The features provided by a gamified LMS help learners track and monitor their eLearning progress. While implementing the software, an administrator can simplify eLearning progress monitoring using options like progress bars and scorecards. The learning visibility will motivate learners to complete the online courses. Also, an instructor can motivate learners to complete online courses by monitoring their progress.

Share Instant Feedback

In addition to facilitating progress monitoring, gamified LMS provides real-time feedback to learners. A learner can refer to his scorecard or calculate points to measure his performance accurately and regularly. Instant feedback sharing will motivate the learner to acquire knowledge and hone skills by putting in extra time and effort.

Foster Friendly Competition

Gamification features like leaderboards and knowledge battles help an organization foster friendly competition between learners. The friendly competition encourages learners to acquire more points and complete online courses. At the same time, these features foster creativity by making learners think outside of the box and collect information from additional sources.

Drive Employee Retention

Often employees switch jobs to get personal growth opportunities. Most organizations use learning and development programs as a strategy to retain skilled employees. A gamified LMS encourages employees to acquire new skills and hone existing skills by making eLearning experiences fun and exciting. The gamification features make them join new online courses to achieve self-growth goals.

Leverage Knowledge Application

Industry 4.0 technologies make it essential for companies to reskill and upskill employees. However, an organization can streamline and modernize processes only when employees apply the new skills acquired by them. As mentioned earlier, a gamified LMS motivates employees to learn new topics and retain the knowledge. Hence, learners will provide a competitive edge to the company by applying the knowledge acquired by joining eLearning programs.


A gamified learning management system boosts learner engagement and learning experience by applying game mechanics. However, the gamification features and options vary across learning management systems. Hence, enterprises must evaluate gamification features as a key parameter to implement a learning management system that increases online course completion rates consistently.

About Mintbook

Mintbook, an innovative edtech company, facilitates eLearning gamification by providing a unified learning management system. In addition to featuring digital library software, the unified learning platform comes with popular gamification features like badges, coins, and leaderboards.