Writing a book is an art. Scribbling random thoughts have made great writers. Books, of course apart from dogs(!), are man’s best friends. We all love books and writing good, appealing, content worthy books is every writer’s dream.

For many writers and aspiring authors, writing can prove difficult in the initial stages but once they overcome their “writer’s block” moments, there is a continuous creative flow of paragraph after paragraph. A survey result has stated that only 2 – 3% of people who wanted to become authors have really succeeded in the commercial world. The rest are yet to reach the top.

It is no easy task to decide on a book to read, considering the plethora of books out there. Every year book lovers eagerly wait for their favorite authors to publish new books. Few of the present day authors like Paul Kalanithi, Elizabeth Strout, Nishant Kaushik, Peter Roman and others have their latest releases and are definitely worth a read.

Here is a selection (in no particular order) of some Recent 2019 Releases:

• “When Breath becomes Air”, by Paul Kalanithi: A must read autobiography of a young Doctor who was terminally ill

• “My Name is Lucy Barton”, by Elizabeth Strout: The relationship between a mother and a daughter. The real-world resemblance of this relationship is uncanny

• “The Happy Marriage”, by Tahar Ben Jelloun: A wonderful novel about the present-day matrimony relations

We look forward to more great releases this 2019 and most importantly, we hope to find them in our favorite eBook format. Happy reading Mintbook friends!

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