More than ever today, the success of a banking organization relies heavily on the efficiency of employees and their ability to follow compliance protocols. Banks need LMS systems to help them automate and upskill their workforce so they can offer competitive services to their customers.
Our banking LMS platform offers creation of training lessons based on the results of pre-training testing. Banks can systematically pinpoint the areas in which employees need training and can accordingly create training modules on our LMS using these inputs. Additionally, banks can create customized learning pathways for employees at various verticals for a more personal and relevant learning design.
Our LMS for banking systems allow for the measurement of learning modules – how successful they are in terms of knowledge retention and in encouraging participation rate. In-app surveys will be given to users after each learning nugget, (be it a course or an instructor-led training session), in which users can rate the quality of the training. Trainers can also use post-training quizzes and assessments to identify if bankers understood the concepts.
While creating future courses, trainers can make use of the discussion forums to make note of important topics as feedback to make necessary modififaction in the curriculum. With these tools, banks can ensure a constant evolution in their learning material for the sake of being more learner-oriented.
Training bank employees in small towns and villages is one of the major challenges that bank officials face, due to lack of steady internet connections. Our innovative IoT device acts as a mini-server that holds volumes of data. It comes equipped with our proprietary eReader and mPlayer. Therefore, bank employees in towns and villages are fully equipped to take courses offline without needing access to internet, WIFI, or any mobile connectivity.
Mintbook is considered a pioneer in the field of digital upskilling and education tools. With an exceptional learning system, our clients include sturdy organizations, such as banks, libraries, governmental offices, and universities to upskill their employees and to digitize their learning inventory.
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